2020-08-20 22:48:49

Today was a good day for me, not for them.
Would love to do more. If only I knew how.
If only I was more brave. I'm tired now.
Time to sleep.

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Par yansanmo@progysm.com


Today was a good day

2020-08-20 22:47:00

Today was a good day for me, not for them.
Would love to do more. If only I knew how.
If only I was more brave. I'm tired now.
Time to sleep.

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Par yansanmo@progysm.com


Getting there

2020-08-20 18:06:00

Getting there, getting there, finally...

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Par yansanmo@progysm.com



2020-08-19 08:30:00

Rappel de produits aux vivres (tempeh, veggie burger)

Page désactivée depuis. «Avis de ne pas consommer du tempeh et du burger végétalien vendus par l'entreprise Aux Vivres»

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Par yansanmo@progysm.com


Mal de jogging

2020-08-19 08:26:00

Ce matin, j'ai mal au genou quand je fais du jogging mais pas quand je cours. Je dois avoir acheté des souliers de course seulement.

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Par yansanmo@progysm.com



2020-08-18 08:43:00

Stop overthinking !

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Par yansanmo@progysm.com


Water please

2020-08-15 22:57:00

A good glass of water in a vegan bar on St-Laurent, because it was the best option on the menu :) Bring me fruits and vegetables please !

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Par yansanmo@progysm.com



2020-08-15 11:10:00

Pas de vélo jusqu'à mardi (réparation)...
Pas de grande marche avant que le genou droit arrête de me faire mal...
Je vais devoir rester confiner dans mon appartement on dirait.

Ha ha, voir si je reste à l'intérieur, nearest park, here I am !

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Par yansanmo@progysm.com


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