Fermeture de mon compte github

Par yansanmo

2018-06-06 00:03:49

Suite à l'acquisition par Microsoft de github.com, je ferme mon compte yansanmo. Je n'avais qu'un projet git pour genlist2. J'ai suivi des tutoriels pour installer un dépôt git sur mon serveur web apache2.

github.com, Log In (email/password), Menu T > Your profile > click on repository > menu Settings > scroll to bottom, Click on Delete this repository, type repository name, click on "I understand the consequences, delete this repository
Your repository "yansanmo/genlist2" was successfully deleted.
Menu T > Settings > Sidebar Account > button "Delete your account" > enter username, enter "delete my account", click on "Cancel plan and delete this account"
Account successfully deleted.

Lire Installer git sur apache2

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