Interesting files (js)


Map: (black pixel = doors)

Dungeon 1 (/maps/dungeon1_client.json)

Dungeon 2 (/maps/dungeon2_client.json)

Dungeon 3 (/maps/dungeon3_client.json)

Dungeon 4 (/maps/dungeon4_client.json)

Dungeon 5 (/maps/dungeon5_client.json)

Dungeon 6 (/maps/dungeon6_client.json)

Gauntlet (/maps/gauntlet_client.json)


  • Fireball (1) : In the Maltida House, after you give her a cloth (you need to see Maltida, then the Weaver, then Maltida).
  • Iceball (2) : In the Dwelves Mine
  • Pinearrow (3)
  • Tornado (4)
  • Terror (5) : Terrorize mob (put them away), you can find it with a lot of bombs, in a hidden door near the Hermit (north wall, same x coordinates as the left water square).


Healball1 (201),


Warrior, Rat, Skeleton, Goblin, Ogre, Spectre, Crab, Bat, Wizard, Eye, Snake, Skeleton2, Boss, Deathknight, Blackwizard, Darkskeleton, Troll, Beholder, Baron, Chef, Kobold, Orc, Minotaur1 (baron house 5, hidden at right of baron), Minotaur2 ?, Minotaur3 ?, Rabbit ?, Madmole (Boss at end of 6)


  • ClothArmor : starting cloth
  • LeatherArmor : go to the wounded portal for the Maltida Forest, use the bomb for the dirt path at north.
  • MailArmor : when defeating the troll in dungeon 1
  • PlateArmor (Hermit) : chess (Crab Maze - East of the Castle. Doors: South, West, North, West, as the blind women said)
  • PlateArmor2
  • RedArmor : armury of dungeon 5
  • SilverArmor
  • GoldenArmor : second door of the castle, you need the rusted old sword (420)


Book, Warden (end of dungeon 3), Cloth, LockedDoor, RockWall, HiddenWall, FireSpell (mathilda's house), HealSpell (left of the arena portal), IceSpell, TornadoSpell, SortBow, PineArrow, TerrorSpell, LitBomb, Bombpotion, Lever, Key, Keyred (dungeon 4), Keygold (dungeon 6), Keygreen (after the wizard in dungeon 2), Keyblue (end of dungeon 3), Flask, Manapotion, Burger, Chest, Firepotion, HealthPotion1, Healthpotion2, Healthpotion3, Manapotion 1, 2, 3, RestorePotion 1, 2, 3, HulPotion 1, 2, 3, Cake, Trap


  • RingPlain (with a bomb, near the priest, check out the dirt way
  • RingWhite : chest in dungeon 1
  • RingGreen : chest in dungeon 2 (hidden doors between the two portals)
  • RingBlue :
  • RingPurple : armury of dungeon 5
  • RingOrange : second door of the castle, you need the rusted old sword


Guard, King, Octocat, Faun (garden and dungeon 3), Princess, Queen, WitchesSon (Rupert), Maltida, Sorcerer, Dwarf 3, 5 (Dwarven King), 8 (Dwarven Girl), Writer, Priest, Fairy3, Fairyqueen (Fairy Queen - garden), Bandaged, Blindwoman (Blind Woman), CareTaker, Dirtykid (Peasont Boy), FortuneTeller (Fortune Teller), GhostKing (King's Ghost), Hermit, Jester, Weaver, Wounded, Guard2 (Arena Guard), Dwarf 1 (Dwarven Guard), Vendor 1, 2, 3, 4, Morty



Sword2 : in a chest, near the king's tomb and attacked convoy

Axe : at the end of dungeon 2

Morningstar : chess at end of dungeon 3


RedSword : armury of dungeon 5

GoldenSword : dungeon 6

NewsWord 1 (Rusty Old Sword) : At North-West of Maltida's House, Hidden passage near the four trees (two step at west of right trees).

NewsWord 6 (Legendary Sword) : second door of the castle, you need the rusted old sword

NewsWord 2, 3, 4, 5


Secret passage (need a bomb) to dungeon 1 to 6: near the maze entry, at the north (west hole +5 x).

  • Dungeon 1 : mathilda's forest
  • Dungeon 2 : west of the maze
  • Dungeon 3 : east
  • Dungeon 4 : north-east
  • Dungeon 5 : Baron's House
  • Dungeon 6 : in the dwelves mine

Keyboard Keys

  • Chat: Enter
  • Up: Up, W, Keypad 8
  • Down: Down, S, Keypad 2
  • Left: Left, A, Keypad 4
  • Right: Right, D, Keypad 6
  • ? : Space
  • Achievement: I
  • ? : H
  • Mute/Unmute: M
  • Profile : P
  • Close Merchant Dialog: ESC

Automatic attack with direction key