BilletsQuoi de neuf Google Doodle (Google Guitar)

Google Doodle (Google Guitar)

Par yansanmo

2011-06-09 14:36:39

Google Doodle Les Paul Logo

En activant le clavier : cliquer sur le petit clavier pour qu'il devienne rouge.

(f) do ----
(h) mi ----

(a) sol  -------------------    ------ la  (s)
(d) si -----------------        ------ re  (g)
(k) sol ----------------     ------    fa# (j)
(;) si -----                    ------ la  (l)

1 doigt: Au Canada
d    g    g a  s d f g h  s

1 doigt: le lion est mort
g h j h   j k j h g  h j h g j h   s
l j h j l   k j h g  h j h g j h

2 doigts: Vive le vent
fh fh fh  {pause}   fh fh fh  {pause}    fh hk sf dg fh

2 doigts: Au clair de la lune
ak ak ak sl d;  sl
ak d; sl sl ak

ou encore
a a a s d  s    a d s s a
a a a s d  s    a d s s a
l l l l h  h    l k j h g
a a a s d  s    a d s s a

Statistiques suite à mon article d'avant-hier (2 jours)

Usage Statistics for
Summary Period: June 2011 - Search String
Generated 11-Jun-2011 06:32 EDT

         Hits      Search String
----------------  ----------------------
19         3.07%  google guitar
8          1.29%  google gitar
3          0.48%  doodle google guitar
3          0.48%  goggle guitar
2          0.32%  googl guitar
2          0.32%  google gitar$
2          0.32%  google guetar
2          0.32%  googleguitar
2          0.32%  guitar google
1          0.16%  #googleguitar
1          0.16%  d g g a s d f g h s
1          0.16%  doodle gooogle guitar
1          0.16%  ghjhjkjhghjhgjh
1          0.16%  google getar
1          0.16%  google gitard
1          0.16%  google gittar
1          0.16%  google guitae
1          0.16%  google guitare clavier
1          0.16%  google guitarre
1          0.16%  google guitere
1          0.16%  google gétare
1          0.16%  guitar doodle google
1          0.16%  oogle guitar
1          0.16%  script google guitar
1          0.16%  sol google guitar
1          0.16%  ?googlr getar

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Liste des commentaires

  • jounayd (2012-09-23 07:55:49) #164 (Répondre)
    I created a page where you can play the google guitar and chat with other players
  • samah (2012-04-12 09:50:53) #139 (Répondre)
    C'est magnifique!!!!
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